Sunday, March 29, 2015

Saturday Conference (Nina)

Actually, I am writing this on Sunday, sitting on a mattress on the floor in the room of my friend Valentin, a PhD student studying criminology at the University of Toronto. Valentin's girlfriend Anne-Gaelle is my second cousin twice removed. She is living in France.

The final day of the convention, I, like everyone, was tired and did not do very much other than what I had to do: the EV Classics Fair presentation on EVO, which I did with Elizabeth at 10, and the webcasting of the Hot Topics panel on Gaming and Gamification at noon. The Classics Fair presentation was sparsely attended, but I enjoyed talking about the EVO to those who did come because they didn't know anything about it--the target audience for the presentation. With Robert Wachman's able assistance, the webcasting of this presentation went off without a hitch. It was a bit uncomfortable being tethered to their computer with a headset but it was OK. We did not have any synchronous attendees online, but hopefully people will watch later.

For the gaming panel, Vance and I were challenged by several factors, including late submission of PowerPoints , changes to PowerPoints after submission (so what we were webcasting did not match what the f2f audience was seeing), and worst of all, ppts uploading in a weird order so that we had to jump around and search for the correct one and sometimes the correct slide. It was dicey but Vance is so cool under pressure I don't think anyone watching the webcast recording will notice much. If you are reading this and would like to watch, I will post the link here later.

The Gaming & Gamification panelists (Rick, Rodrigo, Katie, Jeff, and Elizabeth) with moderator Roger Drury

Same, plus webcast team members Nina and Vance

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